Hi folks,
In a bit of a pickle and need to send off some invoices but Crunch isn’t letting me so I’d appreciate any tips…
I’m trying to invoice a client (business) that I’ve worked with before, but not in a while. I have a client set up but the contacts (email addresses) that I’ve attached to it in the past are no longer valid. In the “Edit Client” form, these contacts do not show up anywhere (so I can’t remove them) and adding a new email address in the appropriate field results in an error message when I try to save changes.
I’ve created the invoice, attached to the client, and when I try to send the invoice using “email and send” the only choices for email addresses to send it to are the ones I’ve added in the past and are no longer valid: there’s no option to use a different email address here.
It looks like the (now defunct) old email addresses are stuck in the client information and there’s no possibility for removing them, but there’s also no possibility to add new ones.
I keep running up against things like this in Crunch Free. Has the ability to properly edit client details been upgraded to a paid-account-only feature? If so, why has this been implemented in such a way as to render clients set up with previously available options unusable?
I’ve noticed the odd thing disappearing elsewhere, too. I understand that they want to push more people towards a paid account, but if that means messing up my experience with Free then I’m not filled with confidence that the paid version will be any more user-friendly. I’m close to finding an alternative, or just going back to my old spreadsheet.
(Not to mention that back in April I set off the process for upgrading to Crunch One and was told I would be contacted by someone but have heard nothing since. I’m not interested now, and considering leaving Crunch Free behind altogether because it’s getting more and more frustrating).