Luke_Young Thanks Luke, that’s more informative, but I’m looking specifically for the software enhancements applicable to Sole Traders. I’m trying to figure out whether it’s worth me upgrading and I know I’m not going to use many of the accountant contact benefits. I’ll probably use the self-assessment submission feature, though submitting my tax returns hasn’t been that difficult so far so I’m not sure it’s worth upgrading just for that.
I’m therefore interested in what specific software enhancements and features that aren’t currently available in Crunch Free will be available to me if I sign up to a Sole Trader account. Obviously anything relating to VAT will be irrelevant, as will payroll, director & employee pay, etc. From the screenshots you’ve shared it seems like these enhancements are only relevant to LTD companies so it’s not worth signing up as a Sole Trader if it’s just the self-assessment submission that I’d benefit from.
I’m open to being corrected on that, though!