Hi LPM1985 Thanks very much for your feedback on our bank reconciliation tool. As a Product team we discuss all feedback - whether it’s ideas, suggestions, or feature requests.
We’re confident that the approach we’ve taken is an improvement on the ‘Classic’ bank reconciliation view, and the majority of feedback we’ve received since the new bank reconciliation tool was released in spring 2020 confirms this. Before we released it we put it through a program of usability testing with a subset of clients, the outcome of which was very positive.
However, we acknowledge that it’s impossible to create something that’s universally liked, and when every client’s setup is different. But we’ve tried hard to create a clean, fast interface that works for all.
That being said, what you’re seeing now is by no means the final product. Our software is constantly evolving based on the feedback from our clients, and we have some further improvements to the bank reconciliation tool in the pipeline.
All the best,